How Would You Like to Own the Most Aggressive Security System Money Can Buy? A Pet That's Loving Towards You & a Vicous Monster Towards ANY Potential Threat!
I have such a desire to educate others about pit bulls so they can have a pet for life which is in optimal health and always at its peak performance. A pit bull that is totally obedient and knows several vital commands including those that keep you safe! One that is a true companion and gives his/her owners love and affection and still has the animal instinct and can snap into a snarling predator at any second on your command.
So what I came up with is a book called ‘The Pit Bull Program’
Pretty basic name, but the information included between the covers is invaluable. All this information will give you an incredibly broad understanding of everything about Pit Bulls and here’s a list of just some of the benefits that this will have –
Better home security
A great friend for life
Lower vet bills since you can identify and treat diseases and illnesses
A really smart dog to impress friends and family with
A tough looking dog with a heart of gold
Plus much more!
All of this is documented in an easy to follow format and is very easy to refer back to in the future if you forget something and need to recap. This Pit Bull information can’t be found anywhere on the internet, it come from personal experience and years of owning Pit Bulls.