Dove Cresswell: Trainer to the Pet Stars
Dear Dog Lover, There’s no shortage of dog trainers, each one saying something different – all claiming that theirs is simple, fast, and easy. And since it’s so important to start your dog off on the right paw, I want to ask you an important question:
Why should you listen to me?
Well, in addition to having all the qualifications and experience you should expect, here’s a little something that makes me different from the other trainers…
I am a professional Hollywood North dog trainer.
Some of the feature films I've worked on include: Saved! and Sam's Lake; TV shows: Romeo, Behind the Camera: Charlie's Angels, and Cougar Crossings; and commercials, including: The Source.
This is the dream job that every professional dog trainer wants but is so hard to accomplish. You really have to know your stuff. And, you need to show results FAST.
This training works for all breeds and sizes of dogs.
And that’s what makes the proven training “secrets” you will enjoy from these 7 lessons so successful. Let me explain.....